ABC Action News and Dr. David Siambanes
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by Christie Post

TAMPA, FL – Get ready to save money because Florida’s back to school sales tax holiday starts Friday.

For 10 days the state will suspend tax on tons of items from clothing to school supplies and computers.

According to the National Retail Federation, the average family is expected to spend $97 just on school supplies alone.

Whether it’s a trendy pencil pouch or a puppy themed notebook, the back to school section can be tempting for any child to want to splurge.

That’s why Kareline Lopez-McNeill is opting to get all her son’s supplies alone.

“It takes me two hours with them and takes me an hour without them,” said Lopez-McNeill.

And this way, she doesn’t have to say no.

“I would have to buy that on top of what I need to buy,” said Lopez-McNeill.

Dr. David Siambanes with the Children’s Scoliosis Center says don’t be fooled by all the savvy advertising to get you to buy more.

He claims the heavier your child’s backpack, the more likely it will lead to back pain or spinal complications.

“I probably see two to three people a week especially at the beginning of school that present me with back pain and it’s quite often related to the backpack,” said Siambanes.

A recent study he did reveals 30 percent of what’s in a kid’s bag has nothing to do with school.

So he suggests parents to police what your child is bringing and make sure they are packing no more than 15 percent of their weight.

And how you wear your backpack matters too.

“There is no perfect backpack. The backpack that is closer to your center of gravity is probably the most beneficial. The dual straps tugged close to your back is more effective than carrying it with one hand or in front of you,” said Siambanes.

So forget about buying the 50 different colors of markers, going with 10 will be less weight and cheaper too.

As the school year starts Lopez-McNeill will be keeping an eye on her boy.

“If he is carrying a lot of stuff, I say why are you carrying that? You should leave it there,” said Lopez-McNeill.

If adults have severe back problems they often had back pain as kids.
