Does Scoliosis Get Worse With Age?

As the years pass, those living with scoliosis often find themselves pondering a crucial question: Does scoliosis get worse with age? This concern is not just about the curvature of the spine but also about the journey of living with this condition over a lifetime. Understanding how and why scoliosis progresses is key to managing it effectively and maintaining a good quality of life.

How Scoliosis Progresses with Age

Scoliosis, characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine, can indeed change as a person ages. The degree of progression largely depends on various factors, including the severity of the curve at the time of diagnosis, the type of scoliosis, and the individual’s overall health.

Severity and Type of Curve

Generally, larger curves are more likely to progress over time. Additionally, the type of scoliosis (whether it’s idiopathic, congenital, or neuromuscular) plays a significant role in its progression with age.

Age at Diagnosis

Early detection and treatment of scoliosis during childhood or adolescence can significantly impact its progression later in life. Treating curves when younger can help in managing the condition more effectively.

Overall Health and Lifestyle

Factors such as bone density, muscle strength, and general health can influence how scoliosis progresses with age. A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can help in maintaining spine health.

Conservative Care for Scoliosis

While it’s true that scoliosis can worsen with age, conservative care methods can play a crucial role in reducing symptoms and slowing down its progression. These methods include:

  • Bracing: In some cases, especially in adolescents, bracing can help in preventing further curvature of the spine.
  • Pain Management: Techniques like heat or cold therapy, massage, and over-the-counter pain medications can provide relief from discomfort.

Surgical Intervention: Addressing the Root Cause

In cases where scoliosis is severe or rapidly progressing, surgery might be considered to correct the spinal curvature and address the root cause. Surgical interventions can provide long-term relief and stability, especially when conservative treatments are not sufficient.

Be Proactive in Scoliosis Treatment

So, does scoliosis get worse with age? It can, but with a proactive approach that includes early detection, regular monitoring, and appropriate treatment, individuals with scoliosis can manage their condition effectively. Whether through conservative care or surgical intervention, the goal is to maintain a good quality of life and minimize the impact of scoliosis on daily activities.

Seek Expert Guidance for Scoliosis Management

If you or your child is dealing with scoliosis, it’s important to consult with a spine specialist who can guide you through your various treatment options. Dr. Siambanes at Scoliosis Care in Tampa, FL, offers surgical and non-surgical care for pediatric and adult scoliosis. He can help you understand your condition, so you can take timely action and make a significant difference in managing scoliosis effectively.

Click here to request an appointment today! 
