At the beginning of each school year concerns of the use of school backpacks arises. How much to put in them, how to wear them and which one is best. The answers may shock a majority of parents.

Years ago, I performed a research project to help answer these questions and to date it is the largest study performed on this subject. Myself and several volunteers weighed junior high children, after they removed their shoes, with and without their backpacks and recorded their pack weight as a percentage of their body weight. The children then took a survey aimed at evaluating back pain and its association with their school backpacks. In order to avoid the children from altering their daily routine, none of the children or families were notified prior the study.

The results were concerning. Back pain was evident in the majority of the children and most of it correlated with heavy backpacks. Girls were more susceptible than boys and the duration of wear increased the back pain incidence.

Unfortunately, there was no safe weight or method of wear and as long as you had to carry it, no one brand is better than the other. However, the lighter the backpack the less chance there was a complaint of pain.

I recommend parents be aware of how much their children’s are carrying and identify what is actually in there that’s required for the day. I found 30 percent of children admitted to carrying non-educational items. Consider car-pooling to avoid carrying them for a long duration, and use lockers if made available when possible. Until we all carry our educational material electronically, this will continue to be a problem for children around the world.
