As winter officially begins and temperatures begin to drop, those with chronic joint pain report that cold weather actually makes their symptoms even worse. This also applies to adults living with scoliosis. When the human body is cold, muscles and joints are tighter, causing more discomfort for those with scoliosis.

Most scoliosis pain is felt in the muscles due to imbalances caused by curvature in the spine. These imbalances cause muscles to become tight or overworked down one side of the spine, causing muscle pain and discomfort, which can be amplified during the coldest months of the year.

To help ease the pain for patients with scoliosis, Scoliosis Care is offering a few tips and tricks that can help mitigate discomfort and increase quality of sleep this winter.

Hot Water Bath – Taking a hot bath or soaking in a hot tub at least three times a week is a good way of avoiding scoliosis pain during the winter. The hot water helps to loosen and relax your body’s muscles and relieves inflamed back areas.

Hot Packs – Consider purchasing hot packs or compressions, as this is an effective way to deal with chronic scoliosis pain. Warm towels, hot water bottles or any other type of heating pad can work as a replacement if you do not have access to a hot pack. Apply the hot pack to the painful area for about 20 minutes to help relieve pain. Heat wraps are also useful, as they can last for a longer duration than warm towels and other household items.

Invest in Thermal Tops – If you need an extra layer of warmth to help you sleep through the night, consider purchasing thermal clothing, such as a vest or waffle-patterned shirts. These articles of clothing can help to retain heat and fend off any aches and pains that may come with colder weather conditions.

Stretch Daily – While stretching doesn’t necessarily fend off the cold, those with scoliosis should be stretching daily to keep their muscles loose and their joints flexible. Doing so will alleviate any discomfort when muscles tense up as temperatures drop. Take a look at our recent blog post detailing the various stretches adults with scoliosis can do to help relieve scoliosis pain and discomfort.

While these are just a few tips and tricks to help alleviate scoliosis pain this winter, adults living with scoliosis experiencing severe discomfort should consult their primary care physician about what method of pain relief is right for them. For more information on pain relief and scoliosis in general, contact Scoliosis Care today.
