Lucas’s Journey From Uncertainty in Cuba to a New Life After Scoliosis Surgery in America

At just 12 years old, Lucas’s life has been filled with more challenges than many children his age ever face. Born with vision problems, Lucas and his family were already used to frequent trips to Havana for medical care. But when his parents noticed an abnormality in his back during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new journey began—one that would take them from Cuba to the United States in search of life-changing treatment for scoliosis.

Discovering the Problem

Lucas’ spine before and after surgery (side view)

Lucas’s mother, Leydys, recalls that the first signs of scoliosis appeared when he was just nine years old. Despite numerous trips to specialists in Cuba, doctors there struggled to diagnose and treat his condition effectively. Lucas was told that he simply needed to gain weight and build muscle, but as time passed, his scoliosis only worsened. The family felt powerless, with limited access to the care Lucas so desperately needed.

“We were traveling 12 hours by bus, three times a year, just to see a specialist who didn’t have the resources to treat Lucas properly,” Leydys explained. “It was frustrating, and we knew we had to find better care for him.”

A New Opportunity in America

Less than a year after Lucas’s family immigrated to the United States, they found hope at a Tampa clinic. During a routine physical exam, their pediatrician referred them to Dr. David Siambanes, a renowned scoliosis specialist in Tampa. After just one consultation, Dr. Siambanes provided the clarity and plan they had long been searching for.

From the very beginning, Dr. Siambanes was direct with the family — Lucas would need surgery to correct his scoliosis. Despite initial fears, particularly from Lucas’s father, Dr. Siambanes reassured them with his confidence and expertise. He explained that Lucas’s surgery had a 98% chance of success, giving the family the peace of mind they so desperately needed.

“We were scared, especially my husband. He was worried our son wouldn’t grow, but Dr. Siambanes told us not to be afraid,” Leydys shared. “He was very specific about the procedure and the results we could expect.”

The Day of the Surgery

Lucas’ spine before and after surgery (front view)

On the day of the surgery, the support from Dr. Siambanes and his team was unparalleled. Throughout the day, they kept Lucas’s parents informed with updates, helping to ease their anxiety. After hours in surgery, Lucas emerged successfully, and the real journey of recovery began.

“The team was always there for us,” Leydys said. “They even gave Lucas a trophy, signed by the medical staff, which was very thoughtful.”

Recovery and Newfound Freedom

In the months following the surgery, Lucas’s progress was nothing short of remarkable. Under Dr. Siambanes’s guidance, Lucas grew two inches — an outcome that surpassed the family’s expectations. He returned to school in August and was even able to start riding his bike again, something he had been unable to do comfortably for years. Each follow-up visit with Dr. Siambanes brought more positive news, and the family’s sense of powerlessness slowly began to fade. “Lucas’s quality of life has improved so much, and we couldn’t be more grateful,” Leydys noted.

A Grateful Family and a Bright Future

Lucas and his sister after Lucas’ surgery and recovery.

Looking back on their journey, Leydys can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the care they received from Dr. Siambanes and his team. Moving to a new country and navigating a complex medical journey was daunting, but the results have transformed Lucas’s life in ways they could only dream of.

“I recommend Dr. Siambanes to any parent in our situation. If he’s your doctor, you have nothing to worry about,” she said.”

Hope for the Future

Lucas’s story is one of resilience, hope, and the power of expert medical care. With each passing day, Lucas is closer to living the childhood he deserves — a life free from the pain and limitations of scoliosis. And for Leydys and her family, there is no greater gift than seeing their son thrive.

If you or a loved one is seeking scoliosis treatment, Dr. Siambanes and the team at Scoliosis Care are here to help. Request a consultation today and begin your journey to better health and peace of mind.

CategoryPatient Stories
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