Thanksgiving is a holiday filled with food, travel, and relaxation! Many people travel to see family or friends during the holiday, which can be difficult for those with scoliosis. Thanksgiving dinner also can require an abundance of preparation and long hours of cooking. These tips can help prepare you and your family to have a painless Thanksgiving holiday while depicting potential problems to watch out for. This way, you can focus on preventing and treating your scoliosis pain.

Traveling to Visit Family & Friends

Whether you are traveling by plane or car to visit family, sitting in one place for a significant amount of time can be stressful on the spine. Packing a blanket or pillow can be useful inproviding a comfortable spot for your back when seated. When traveling with others, if there is a preferred spot or location while traveling, try to notify them beforehand to make additional accommodations. Extra travel time, additional legroom, or adjustable seats can make the long ride more bearable. Lastly, try to plan breaks along the way if traveling a long distance. This can give you a chance to stretch your back and spine while preventing pain from settling in.

Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving dinner requires a significant amount of time in the kitchen. This will probably include spending time on your feet, standing for long periods of time, bending over, and more. Cooking the turkey and sides takes time and preparation, all of which require uncomfortable positions for you and your spine. The after-effects of this traditional dinner are equally as uncomfortable when it comes to washing dishes and putting away leftovers. When you split up these tasks with family and friends, it provides you with a chance to rest your feet or reduce excess stress on the spine. It also might help to have someone assist you with pulling the 20-pound turkey in and out of the oven!

These are great tips to apply to any situation that requires travel or cooking. Oftentimes many don’t realize how painful these tasks can be. They take a toll on your spine, and you will likely notice it immediately or the days after. At the end of the holiday, you will be thankful for these tips that can reduce extra stress on the spine, resulting in a more enjoyable time for everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving!
