
At Scoliosis Care, we understand that being diagnosed with scoliosis can bring about a range of emotions and concerns. Whether you’re learning about this condition for the first time or seeking new methods to manage it, know that you’re not alone. We’re here to support you and your family every step of the way with personalized and effective scoliosis therapies and treatment options.

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is characterized by an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. It is most often diagnosed in adolescence, but it can affect individuals at any age. The severity and progression of scoliosis vary, requiring a tailored approach to treatment to alleviate pain, improve spinal alignment, and prevent further curvature.

Personalized Scoliosis Therapies

Our treatment options are as unique as our patients. Depending on the severity of the curve, the patient’s age, and the specific causes of scoliosis, we offer a variety of treatment.

Physical Therapy

For many, physical therapy is a cornerstone of painful scoliosis management, particularly effective in mild cases. It involves targeted exercises and stretches designed to strengthen the muscles supporting the spine, enhance flexibility, and reduce discomfort. This approach cannot correct the curvature of the spine but can significantly improve pain and quality of life.


Bracing, often placed at night during sleep, is often recommended for adolescents who are still growing and have moderate spinal curves. Custom-fitted to each patient, these braces provide corrective pressure to help align the spine gradually. While adapting to a brace may take some time, it is a crucial step in managing scoliosis non-surgically and can greatly reduce the likelihood of needing surgical intervention later on.

Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care offers adjustments and manipulations aimed at improving pain and mobility. While unable to correct the spinal deformity,  regular chiropractic sessions can reduce pain, support better posture, and complement other treatment modalities.

Lifestyle Modifications

Simple changes in daily habits can make a significant difference. Opting for supportive seating, maintaining proper posture, and engaging in low-impact exercises like swimming or walking can reduce spinal strain and promote overall physical health.

Advanced Treatment Options

For more severe or rapidly progressing cases of scoliosis, surgical options such as selective spinal fusion or vertebral body tethering might be considered. These procedures aim to correct and stabilize the spine. Deciding to undergo surgery is significant and is made only after a thorough consultation with your healthcare provider, ensuring you understand all potential benefits and risks.

While surgery is typically considered a last resort, it may provide significant benefits for individuals with severe scoliosis. After considering all options and understanding potential risks and benefits, the decision to pursue surgical treatment should be made in consultation with a healthcare professional.

Explore Personalized Scoliosis Therapies Today

Your journey to better spinal health is important to us. At Scoliosis Care, we are dedicated to providing you with the care you deserve in a compassionate and understanding environment. Don’t wait to take control of your health.

Book an appointment today to explore the comprehensive scoliosis therapies available to you. Start your path to improved well-being and spinal alignment with the support of our caring team. Let us help you navigate your treatment options and support your journey towards a healthier spine.
